Get Aligned. Fix Mistakes.
Grow Faster.

Your customers tell you what’s working, what’s not, and who needs help. If you want to know that truth immediately, every time, get Sturdy.

Trusted by leading customer-obsessed companies

Sturdy delivers a trusted data source, creating a culture of confidence around critical decision-making.


Turnkey deployment. Autonomous cleansing and entity recognition. No data training. No data wrangling.


Built-in issue and theme detection, or create your own. Subscribe, alert, and export over API.


Built with a privacy, security, and compliance-first mindset.

Turnkey, permission-aware, privacy-compliant, data integration and collection.

Sturdy provides turnkey, real-time, and historical capture with just a few clicks over direct APIs with most of the major customer-facing systems, such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Zendesk, Gmail, and Office 365.

Entity recognition and metadata integration.

Out of the box, Sturdy ingests and organizes accounts, people, conversations, risks, and opportunities across all customer-facing systems, data lakes like Snowflake, and even email. Metadata, like Account Value, Territory, or Account Owner, are merged to create a source-referenceable, permission-aware, single pane of glass and source of truth.

AI-powered context classification, search, summarization, alerting, and discovery.

Sturdy finds the “context” in your data. Each and every team powers decisions, forecasts, and actions using real-time intelligence that is customizable to their unique needs. Solve the “now” and see around corners. Invent, create, and track your own data stream. The only limit is your curiosity.

Sturdy, a new data stream for your developers and BI teams.

Sturdy, in real-time, converts your unstructured customer interactions to data, organizes the entities, merges your structured data into a single source-referenceable pipe, and delivers it over API. Your teams will have a custom, trusted, clean stream of knowledge to work with to streamline, protect, and grow your business. No data wrangling, tagging, or data-training is required.

With Sturdy, we went from largely wasting our most powerful data source, our customers' voices, to creating easily understandable metrics and interventions that everyone in our company can use. It took less than six weeks to see month-over-month retention improve by 30%."
Tony Delmercado
President @ Hawke Media
