Sturdy is open

Joel Passen
February 10, 2021
3 Min Read
Customer Intelligence

Sturdy has developed a BI product that analyzes customer communications, detects important signals, and empowers teams with real-time data to act on situations with speed and intelligence.  

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Sturdy, a ground-breaking business intelligence platform that leverages advanced data science in order to detect items of importance in customer-to-business communications. 

In simple terms, Sturdy helps people at B2B SaaS businesses leverage a data set that is hiding in plain sight  - data that your customers want you to use.

Trapped in communication layers, and across teams, are critical signals like, point of contact changes, potential references, churn likelihood, and competitor mentions. These signals gather digital dust in email accounts, ticketing systems, transcriptions, chat software, and CRMs - until Sturdy. 

Customer-to-business communication data is an untapped data frontier. Massive value is realized when the data is aggregated, analyzed, refined, and redeployed. Sturdy was created to empower teams to act on mission-critical situations with speed and intelligence.

If you wanted your team to capture 10 new referenceable customers, what would need to happen? Or, how many of your customers got a new Point of Contact last month?  Which customers asked for their Renewal Data this week?

As a leader you want to manage risks and capitalize on opportunities (we call them “signals”).  Signals are sitting in email accounts, videoconferencing transcripts, chat logs, and buried in ticketing systems.  They are manually captured, if at all, and then data-entered into spreadsheets and other systems.  And you have to create, enforce and constantly train people on rules that change the way your teams work.  

Not to mention, there is no analytical capacity.

The idea for Sturdy came from building, bootstrapping, and scaling successful SaaS businesses. We founded SturdyAI to empower businesses to solve problems that we faced as entrepreneurs and executives. Before SturdyAI, the capture of these signals has been inconsistent, fragile and inefficient.

We’re experienced executives and engineers. We believe that every business has revenue and earnings potential trapped inside of its communications systems.

In mid-2020, Sturdy received an investment from Super{set}, a team that has created $1.2b in exits. This accelerated our product development and commercial efforts. Partnering with Super{set} was natural. We share the belief that “data is the new oil” and that refining data defines the new basis of competition across sectors and problem spaces.

Many of us worked together at Newton Software. This is a company that we bootstrapped, scaled and sold to Paycor, one of the largest independent HCM companies in the world.  At Newton, we lived by some simple rules. We live by these rules at Sturdy. 

  1. If you make a mistake, tell someone right away. We’ll fix it. 
  2. We design technology that we want to use. 
  3. We sell software how we’d want to buy it. 
  4. We support our software the way we would want to be supported. 
  5. We do things the right way, not the easy way. 
  6. We don’t take shortcuts. 

We’re energized and ready to roll. Let’s talk. 

We’re encouraged by the feedback and results from early customers using Sturdy. And, we’re fired up to help businesses preempt customer issues before they spiral and seize revenue opportunities in time to improve this quarter’s results. 

What will you find in your data? 

Click here to get access and see for yourself.

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