With Sturdy, MP achieved a 100% customer retention rate while gaining critical insights about this valuable customer cohort.
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit on a call with our Chief Customer Officer, Jonathan Chenard, and Josh Soroko, Vice President of Operations at MassPay (MP). Josh has been Vice President of Operations for the last 13 years and is responsible for MP’s Implementation, Client Support, Tax, and Training Teams. Josh shared that his goal is to ensure customers have a WOW experience with MP and that his north star metric is customer retention.
During our call, Josh made a striking point; providing a WOW experience in a rapidly growing company is exceptionally challenging. When things don’t go perfectly, he has to triangulate between multiple teams servicing the client to understand what’s happening. Even then, some of what he’s told may only be partially true, and Josh might not get the “straight scoop.” Until he found Sturdy, Josh said it could take hours to figure out what was happening with a client. After talking to his teams, he’d have to sift through support tickets and emails to determine what was happening. The answer was there, but getting to the details was time-consuming and flawed. Josh went on to say,
“Sturdy helps me to do exactly this without having to pull the story together about a client on my own. Before meeting with a client or having client reviews with other executives, I log in to Sturdy. Sturdy tells me what Signals are firing, if clients are happy, upset, confused, if there is a new executive, or if they’re asking for a copy of their contract, and then in minutes, I know exactly what’s going on instead of someone’s interpretation of what’s going on”.
I was blown away by what Josh shared and asked how this correlates to his north star retention. Josh seemed a little slow to answer and hesitant to respond, then with a sly grin and a knock on wood (literally), Josh said,
“Year to date, we haven’t lost any clients in our 100+ segment base, and a big part of that is having our hand on the pulse with Sturdy”.